Friday, January 7, 2011

Horseback Riding in the Andes

01-05-11(Sue) Never satisfied, I was itching to leave the "Old Town" of Cuenca to get into the emerald-green hills visible from our hotel room by the Tomebamba River.  Hooked up with Gustavo (not pictured) from a local Adventure company and headed out to a large farm to go horseback riding.  No "nose to tail" riding here. To start with, there was no pre-ride paperwork filled with legal mumbo jumbo and disclaimers up the wazoo.   We traversed up and down the hillsides through rocky terrain, meadows and forests.  Our naturalist guide was great, pointing out various plants which provided local remedies for various ailments.  Local pooch, nicknamed "Negro" for his all black fur, kept us company the whole way - miles and miles - disappearing and then reappearing again. Primarily populated by indigenous families, every farm had a dog or two.  One of the locals had passed away - Gustavo explained the indigenous custom that the homeowner of the deceased would host all the locals for 7 days of feasting and partying following the funeral.  The views were breathtaking and the place just smelled so darn good - like flowers and fresh herbs.  
(Joe) This 72 year old Quichua Indian man was the caretaker of the farm we rode on. He still rode horseback everyday. I watched him work and can tell you I couldn't keep up with him. But I betcha he doesn't know how to blog! The horses we rode were of Spanish heritage and were very strong and very Regal in the way they held their heads. I still think they would prefer carrying this man to carrying me but my  horse seemed to have no trouble.
01-06-11 Day off catching up with reading and emails.
01-07-11 Sue off shopping Joe in room reading and dealing with Montezuma's Revenge

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