Tuesday, February 8, 2011

On the Road Again....

 Contemporary high up ... the price was right!
Hey....that would be a great name for a song by some country singer too.... maybe Willie Nelson or someone like that. Anyway we left Arenal Volcano and headed over the river and through the woods (actually Jungle) to the southern pacific areas of Dominical and south to Ojochal and the Osa peninsula. We are spending about a week and a half right now in this area exploring up and down the Costal highway (one lane in either direction but newly paved). Dominical to Ojochal takes about an easy 30 minute drive. About 6 months ago, prior to paving a large section of this road, it took 2 to 2.5 hours over a very hard dirt and gravel bumpy road. Glad we are here after the progress on the new highway. First couple of nights stayed in El Mono Feliz (the happy monkey) Inn in          
Think there is enough room for two?
Ojochal, a cute and comfortable place. Then we scored two free nights at a large and empty 3 bedroom contemporary home in a development we were looking at courtesy of the real estate agent we are working with.  We are high up above the jungle canopy looking out over the jungle and southern coast. The roads up to get here will shake the fillings out of your teeth and needless to say you have to drive fairly slowly in 4wd in low gear as many of the sections are steep, steep, steep .... like if you stop, you will slide down the side of the jungle. No real downtown area in Ojochal but as you drive into the village from the highway there are a number of restaurants and they are the best ones in the area, so no lack of good eating options.

Fat, dumb & happy
We are mostly cooking for ourselves buying fresh fish caught "today" from the fishermen. Just finished two nights of ahi sashimi tuna which was fabulous. Cooked fresh jumbo shrimp with rice the night before. Fresh fruit including Mango's which taste completely like eating candy, cantalope, watermelon (called Sandia here) coconuts (dah) among many other choices and of course fresh veggies too.

Check out our next blog to see the Swiss Family Robinson house we score next for a week in the jungle looking out over the ocean!

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