Monday, January 3, 2011

Our "Home" in Cuenca, Ecuador

01-03-2011 (Joe) Just spent our first 24 hours in Cuenca. Last night went to Super Mercado and bought a gallon of water "special" in espanol in a clear plastic bottle with 2 smaller clear bottles attached. Went back to room and took off one of the smaller bottles that said "cherry passion" on it. Asked Sue about it and she said it must be flavored water so I took a large swig. Ummmm..... it was alcohol! Moral of the story: read the ingredients and don't trust what your wife tells you. By the way, it was pretty good.
(Sue) Stepped out in faith today -first Joe then me. Joe got a $3 haircut and color. Joe wanted to get his hair bleached blond which was totally fine with me, but he chickened out in the end!! I got a $5 haircut -muy bueno! At the end of the appointment, mentioned to the owner that my watch was not working. She diagnosed that my battery needed to be replaced. Without asking, she locked up her shop and walked us down the road to a shop and told the proprietor what we needed. After all was taken care of she deposited a kiss on each of us and said goodbye. Now, that does not happen often where I live!!


  1. What a nice welcome to Ecuador!

  2. Very interested in your blog. Found you on Facebook. We have been considering the move to Cuenca from the US. I will follow your blog, if you don't mind.

    Susan T. in Arkansas
